Exploring the Bohemian City of Spires- the old town of Prague


The most lively and happening part of Prague city, described in the post
Paris is agreed to be the most romantic city in the world, but I think there are even more romantic places- haven’t you visited Prague yet? With its pleasantly yellowish buildings and elegant (but grotesque at the same time) architecture, the old city of Prague can make even the least romantic person hum a song while strolling the cobbled pavements. An art lover will definitely wander in awe!
                                                                                 View from the Old Town Hall, Prague

The Old Town Square is where you see the vibrant part of the city. The Gothic Cathedral Church of Our Lady before Týn finished its construction in the early 16th century, and stands out among the neighboring buildings. No one will miss this church when you are in Prague. The best view of the cathedral is from the top of the Old Town Hall situated in the same square. Don’t miss the impressive view of the city from the top of this building just before sunset. The yellow and orange hues of the sunset add color to the bright yellow cityscape, and it’s worth the sight.

The Astronomical Clock and the Church of Our Lady before Týn

Near one of the entrances of the Old Town Hall is the Astronomical Clock. This clock is the third-oldest, medieval astronomical clock in the world. It still operates well and hence is an interesting sight to watch people gazing in awe at the clock when it chimes every hour. 

The Old Town Hall as well as many other buildings in the old part of the city have their own secret, underground passageways. Some legends and myths surround the city, often linked to ghosts and headless and creepy swordsmen. This creepiness lurks also in underground passages, that show a different world- medieval Prague. Dungeons, cellars, and torture devices will give an idea of how life had been in medieval times.

                          An underground passageway showing medieval Prague   

Prague’s Jewish town is worth a visit-there are Jewish synagogues, that are interesting and also melancholic. I recommend visiting the Spanish Synagogue. No photography is allowed inside the synagogue, which is to pay respect to the Jewish culture and their grave history. Prague Castle is also a beauty, majestically standing on top of a hill, away from the city. The castle is so impressive to view from all directions, and therefore requires a separate narrative in a later post 😉

Painted ceiling inside the Old Town Hall  (above)   

Believe me, there are many more interesting aspects (also the food is yummy!) of this city, especially the old town of Prague, that cannot be explained in a single post. So, stay tuned for more!

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